Is MariaDB 12 Released?

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There is no clear information about release of MariaDB 12

Read all about MariaDB


You can check the version of MariaDB you're using by running the following command in the MySQL client:
This will return a single row with two columns, Variable_name and Value. The value column will contain the version

About MariaDB

MariaDB is developed by Michael Widenius, the same developer of MySQL, the first release was made available to the public in October 2009. Maria DB is an authorized fork of MySQL, which stands for “structured query language”. The applications for MySQL are similar to MariaDB, with of course some differences that will become apparent as you continue to read this article. Essentially, what Maria DB is, is a relational database management system (RDBMS). It is mostly used for data warehousing, data management, and even some applications in data analysis and data science for those who find it useful in their context to have this possibility.

The specific functionalities of Maria DB will likely make you see why a lot of people utilize it, including big companies like Red Hat, Deutsche Bank, and even Nasdaq. First, Maria Db offers support for PHP, which is one of the most popular back-end programming languages, which is very often linked with HTML, a front-end one. With this in mind, MariaDB serves a purpose in web development and fits seamlessly in the toolkit of a developer looking to store website data. MariaDB is comparatively smoother than MySQL, which means that some people prefer it when expecting to work with larger and more demanding data sets or processes for a given database.

MariaDB has some interesting uses besides web development, for example, it hosts the MariaDB platform for analytics, which claims to make modern analytics easy, and makes a very fine argument on how it does that. First, it is infinitely easier to install than other platforms of this quality, and it queries data faster than many platforms, sometimes up to twice the speed. Running queries on data can give great ideas on key performance indicators, give a good sense of what to present for a business meeting, or simply extract interesting patterns from a group of ordered data. This toolkit appeals to data analysts who are more academic, as well as business data analytic people who look to extract insights from large datasets.


Maria DB is currently on the 10.5 stable release, released in June of 2020. This version will cease to be supported until 2025, with the 5-year pattern following for every year’s new release of MariaDB. This is, of course, a very active community of developers and users to make plausible yearly updates that add features and solve bugs in the manner that MariaDB does.